News & Projects


Maria Cecilia Marinelli with her teacher Renée Jeannel Tofoni.

Singing Teacher, Vocal Trainer, and Vocal Coach with over 20 years experience, giving lessons in both her private studio and various Music Academies in Italy. Maria Cecilia Marinelli believes teaching is an invaluable source for self-analysis and artistic growth, inspiring new singers to develop knowledge and passion for music culture and vocal styles, ranging from Opera to Modern, Jazz to Musical – with their related repertoires. Her lessons are filled with dedication and inspiration, caring for every aspect of the student’s vocality – technique, repertoire, interpretation, musical training, stage presence and preparation for auditions and admission exams to the Conservatory.

hi-res digital lab

Immersive Audio
& Music Arts

In 2023, Maria Cecilia Marinelli was appointed Art Director and Vice-President at Hi-Res Digital Lab – the reference Cultural Association on Immersive Audio & Music Arts in the heart of Cremona, Italy – created by audio technologist, Gianluca Mezzina. The non-profit Cultural Center aims to promote music production of industry level, high-quality immersive media, both binaural and multichannel. The Center aims to share knowledge and passion for music culture, both instrumental and vocal, with related styles and repertoires, intended for artists, musicians, videographers, associations, agencies, producers and enthusiasts from all walks of life.

la voix humaine

A woman and a telephone recounts the overwhelming feelings of emptiness and abandon during the final conversation between lovers.

In 2018, she performed the leading role of Elle in the filming of “La voix humaine”, under the direction of italian filmmaker, Stefano Patarino. The one-act tragédie lyrique by Francis Poulenc – inspired by the Jean Cocteau’s theatrical pièce – comes back to life in this new adaptation for the big screen, following the renowned versions of the past directed by Roberto Rossellini, Dominique Delouche and others.

A woman and a telephone recounts the overwhelming feelings of emptiness and abandon during the final conversation between lovers. One can sense the desperate need on both ends of the telephone to resist the ongoing passion and torment of the end of the love affair. Elle’s personal dramatic journey is unveiled in all its merciless and agonizing phases. The protagonist communicates the universal pain experienced at the end of every love affair.

“La voix humaine”
Opera by Francis Poulenc
Libretto by Jean Cocteau.

Maria Cecilia Marinelli, Soprano
Linda Piana, Piano
Filippo Muraro, Field Recordist
Virginia Aghito, Director Assistant
Alex Cerantola, Director Assistant
Jarek Jarosz, Director of Photography
Stefano Patarino, Director

La voix humaine – Trailer